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Posted by bigChubuff on 06-01-2002 12:07 AM:

post your workouts

mines da football workout....i dun like it tho b/c we do da same damn workouts every monday,wednesday,friday

bench press pyramid:
warm up
-100lb. from max 8reps
+20 5 reps
+20 5 reps
+20 3 reps
+20 3 reps
-30 3 reps
-20 5 reps
-20 5 reps
maybe a burn out
ya its crazy thats y i probably jump 80 lbs on bench every year

warm up
start w/ 5 reps
+10 5 reps
+10 5 reps
+10 3 reps
+10 3 reps

leg curl:
3 sets of 8

lat pull downs:
3 sets of 8

run for 20 minutes after

remember i do da same workouts 3 days a week

Posted by neXt on 06-01-2002 04:54 AM:

whoa shiet thats really intense man.. sounds like some serious mass gain workout! thats pretty crazy tho squatting 3 days .. 1 day a week already leaves my legs feeling like they were shot and run over with a truck

I do a 4 days per week split routine - 3 days on one day off type thing. I like to group them into chest/biceps, back/triceps, shoulders/legs with abs finishing every workout.

I'm on a heavy eccentric training program (so heavier weights-less reps- emphasizing the negative motion).. but I switch it to a 10reps x 10sets volume workout every couple weeks, cuz otherwise ur body gets used to what your doing and you start to stagnate/plateau.

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-01-2002 05:08 AM:

but....damn 10 reps x 10 sets?

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-01-2002 05:09 AM:

i figured u be da 1st 2 reply...
ya it's pretty damn intense...i see this kid pukin blood after a set of bench and he still goes...

well thats lite squats tho...
we used to squat 2 days out of 5 days a week weight training and we did at least 8 sets of squats each day....that shits hard....well it pays off in the end

Posted by neXt on 06-01-2002 05:23 AM:

yeah the 10x10 gives u a huge pump afterwards haha feels good

arent you still sore tho sometimes from ur previous workout? cuz my legs usually need ltosa recovery time from the squats and deadlifts.. but then again i dont got the strongest legs :huh:

oo thank God I'm not part of any sports teams

Posted by neXt on 06-01-2002 05:24 AM:

do u take creatine then? cuz i hear its becoming commonplace amongst players in hs and college football

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-01-2002 05:32 AM:

no i dont....but ya it is really common in sports....i c kids takin steroids too

and u would get used 2 squattin if u keep doin em....and u kno squats probably one of da mos important lifts since it releases testorones through out your body

Posted by MellowYellow on 06-01-2002 05:34 AM:

whoa that sounds..... intense....... damg i can't even benchpress... the bar... i can do it 10 times... but that's IT...

Posted by neXt on 06-01-2002 05:38 AM:

hmm If a girl does enuff bench pressing, I wonder if they could make it bounce/dance when they flex? aha.. not that it would turn me on

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-01-2002 05:42 AM:

ya mann there was already a topic about that shiz

Posted by neXt on 06-01-2002 05:43 AM:

haha interesting

Posted by volcom strider on 06-01-2002 05:47 AM:

1000 crunches per day...yes it can be done
then a light jog...but that's in the morning

at night
35 lbs.
15 - 5 reps
10 - 5 reps
5 - 5 reps

20-30 push-ups (diamond and regular)

that's it.

Posted by seung ju on 06-01-2002 06:25 AM:

i cant squat at all, my knees cant take it. i dont even know how i messed them up. it sucks. nowadays, i just do crunches and various types of pushups everyday, how many depends on how lazy i am that day. i dont have time to hit the gym anymore.

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