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Posted by tm11 on 04-12-2002 01:14 PM:

personal philosophies

haha. does anyone have any philosophy about their own lives, or a specific way they live their life? this'd just be interesting to see.

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-12-2002 01:29 PM:

A-Yo! i got a sleep theory i live by tomas. Anyone interested can read it in my profile on AIM or if someone wants i'll post it (i might anyway since you asked tome )

Posted by tm11 on 04-12-2002 02:42 PM:

ah yes. share the morpheus method.
I would follow that, but my normal schedule is so engrained, but i will experiment with it this summer. haha.

word is bond

Posted by micron on 04-13-2002 05:14 AM:

i think,
therefore i am.


ill elaborate later when i get internet back at home, which should be this saterday. im in school right now.

Posted by tm11 on 04-14-2002 05:28 PM:

c'mon ju sun.
let's hear it....

descartes... eh?
I haven't read him before, but i know of him and about him.
I've also read some stuff where people blame him for many flaws in humynity's knowledge and progression in thought, but others have just had slight analysis on him.

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-14-2002 06:24 PM:

hmm, i have heard that name. Was he a mathematician?

Posted by tm11 on 04-14-2002 06:42 PM:

renee descartes
french, i beleive
mathematician and philosopher.

word is bond

Posted by Alchemist on 04-18-2002 04:25 PM:


All right, here's one my friend and I discussed and agreed upon:

If Descartes said "I think therefore I am" and this is true, that means that I exist. Because I think. I have no way of knowing that anyone else thinks therefore only I exist. Only Thoughts exist, my body doesn't. to you (If you exist) you might be the only one who exists. Therefore if a third party (preferably someone you don't like) is there, it is mutually non-existant to both of us. (Ahh I need a spellcheck thingy)

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-18-2002 06:17 PM:

As you stated your thoughts exist, then if you think someone else exists then they exist. It's all about interpretations, not about the isolated person's thinking they only exist and not being able to verify if others think if they exist. It's YOUR interp, which is what i think the quote is getting at, not theres. I didn't put a lot of thought into this, so..-_-

Posted by huby40 on 04-19-2002 11:48 AM:

mine is "if you try to live your life just one way then you'll only experience one part of life."

Posted by Alchemist on 04-19-2002 12:22 PM:


No, i think you misunderstood. (Damn, don't nobody understand me) I think it's because i'm not good at English (My 1st language and i still mess up)

you only know that you exist because you know your thoughts do, your thoughts of something exist but the thing itself may not.

Say your thinking about a ficticious character from a book. for example say "Arthur Dent" you can think of Arthur and that thought would exist but Arthur wouldn't nessecarily be existent.

So anything that is physically existent is just how your brain perceives it.

Some people don't believe in God because they can't percieve him. (by Sight, sound, etc.)
Well then, how could you prove that living people have brains?

anyway, i'm sure there are some holes here somewhere but I guess it's ok

Posted by tm11 on 04-19-2002 12:40 PM:

Originally posted by Alchemist
Well then, how could you prove that living people have brains?

you juss cut their heaads open.. hahah nah j/k.

what you're saying does make sense.

we percieve things, but that doesn't necessarily constitute they exist. We know we exist, because we can think, "I exist."

That's the point Descartes made.

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-19-2002 12:55 PM:

ahh, ok i got it a thousand thanks. I was thinking that might have been what you were saying but i wasn't sure.

Posted by Alchemist on 04-19-2002 05:35 PM:

Originally posted by tm11

you juss cut their heaads open.. hahah nah j/k.

what you're saying does make sense.

we percieve things, but that doesn't necessarily constitute they exist. We know we exist, because we can think, "I exist."

That's the point Descartes made.

Yeah, tm11 is better than me at explaining things. I just applied Descartes' idea. Like Galileo did to Copernicus

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-19-2002 05:49 PM:

nah, your fine , i understood what you were saying from your second post, tis no problem.

Posted by Alchemist on 04-20-2002 12:04 PM:

aight cool

Posted by micron on 04-20-2002 01:11 PM:

haha. i totally forgot about this..

i more or less had the idealistic rather than philosophical significance in mind. belief. idea. confidence. concept. reflection. these things make up who we are. and thats how i percieved the quote to mean.

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-20-2002 01:27 PM:

Anyway, here's a theory i developed last year. I'll just paste it from my profile cause it's on that as well. So the writing may not be up to calibur (if they every were haha). Anyway, here it is:

The Morpheous Method -

It revolves around the idea and differentiation of your mental biological sleep clock, and your body's biological sleep clock. Simply put, when posed with the question: are you exausted when you wake up after a (say 2hour) nap in the middle of the afternoon? Most say no, they feel refreshed. Now, if you allow me, may i ask are you simply exhausted when you go to sleep for only 2 hours in the night time and wake up? Really, why? There is no reason. Let me tell you. The reason is simply because of your expectations, during the night time you are poised at sleeping for 6 or more hours because you want to, and even subconciously expect it. However, it is the same duration of time you napped in the day, only a different time of day. As when we toss humans in a cave we have found that the body has no natural biological clock. Therefore, it doesn't matter when you sleep or the duration of time, only that you get it. The night time is no different than the afternoon, and vice versa. It is all in the mentality, and the Placebo effect will rectify it in the situation. If you go to sleep in the middle of the night not expecting to get that much sleep, you will not be tired...seriously. It helps even more to envision the entire week as one day, and to get the same amount of hours of sleep needed in that week, but stretch it out so that you are not hindered by feeble mentality. So i bid you good night, rather good day...it doesn't matter as it is all in the mind.

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