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-- Iyah... What's your perfect man??? (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=23)

Posted by Ladi Jay on 03-29-2002 06:41 AM:

Question Iyah... What's your perfect man???

Mine.... Iyah, I have too many expectations... Umm, I'll just start off with what I want in a guy when I first see him and get to know him...

cute (everyone goes for looks), smart, taller than me (I'm 5'), makes me laugh, makes me feel comfortable, trustworthy, not a cheater/player, funny/humorous, doesn't do any kind of drug (maybe alcohol on occasions), doesn't make me feel dumb, likes to play sports yet likes to go shopping with me!!!, dresses cute and in his own way, and I think that's pretty much it.

But, it also comes down to if his bed smells nice and if he's always nice to his family later.... haha... I have a lot of expectations...

Posted by WhiteLee on 03-30-2002 04:33 PM:

Oh I love this!
Ok I have a list of stuff...a long one.
He's gotta be:
Taller than me (I'm 5'6 so 6 foot or taller)
Thin (love 'em thin...like model thin kinda or punk thin)
Broad shoulders (ever since I read X/1999, my man needs to have broad shoulders)
race? Eh doesn't really matter
gotta be cute
rosy cheeks (like when you're out in the cold and your cheeks get kinda pink)
has his own opinions
believes women are equal to men and supports them
has total respect for me and others (vice versa)
doesn't do drugs or anything like that (what if he's drunk half the time...how can you tell if he's for real?)
Into the same stuff as me (vice versa)
likes anime
respects my parents and family (vice versa)
I want him to be just absolutely taken with me at first sight (vice versa)
protects me (vice versa)
someone I can talk to for hours on end.
Isn't pushy
is fun to be with
has crazy moments
has a good sense of humor and can make me really really have a good laugh.
I want him to be the one I'll still be in love with in 50 years.


"Before and After" Ayumi Hamasaki

Posted by Ladi Jay on 03-30-2002 05:04 PM:

Haha... picky just like me... :satisfy:

Posted by WhiteLee on 03-30-2002 06:52 PM:

Damn right.
You gotta be. Not too much tho.
But if you're gonna be spending a seriously long amount of time with someone you might as well be choosy.
Don't settle for just anyone.
It's like the pennzoil commericials.


"Before and After" Ayumi Hamasaki

Posted by bigChubuff on 03-30-2002 06:56 PM:

i personally think i ma perfect man.

Posted by AiSH on 03-30-2002 07:17 PM:

it's a gurl's forum..
but then again.. wha am i doin here.


Posted by krnxswat on 03-30-2002 07:56 PM:

Originally posted by AiSH
it's a gurl's forum..
but then again.. wha am i doin here.

what am i doing here? hEh.. welL u cant spend looqing ure type of guys for like bazillion yEars..buT God'll send someone for u onedai

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by tamoose on 03-30-2002 09:12 PM:

THEY'RE all the same..

Posted by JuBiLee on 03-30-2002 09:55 PM:

hahahh that is so TRUE!~


Posted by WhiteLee on 03-31-2002 12:30 PM:

I agree too.
There are so few who follow the chain of individuality. :rolleyes


"Before and After" Ayumi Hamasaki

Posted by Ladi Jay on 03-31-2002 01:39 PM:

It's okai... so they'll know what women want... Haha...

Posted by i<3 jusun oppa on 04-01-2002 04:06 PM:

truthfully.. all i want in a guy iz his unconditionaL love~
lol.. yea i want him 2 be cute nd tall nd buff nd dark nd stuffz liek dah..
buh if hez mad sweet 2 meeh.. nd i know that he`ll be loyal to me.. then even if hez not that cute.. he`ll start lookin really cute to me.
i just want a guy that i know will be there whenever i need him. someone that i could call at liek.. 3 in the morning if i had a scary dream.. or just someone that i could talk to if im bored.
i wanna guy that would be there to hold me and tell me that he loves me and needs me when im depressed and when i dont feel like living anymore.
i wanna guy that would understand my feelingz and understand when i get angry at times for no reason..
i wanna guy that wont pressure me into stuff.. and a guy that carez about me enough to die for me.
i wanna guy thatz willin to spend all the money he`z got for me and willing to fite for me. ^^ but of course i wouldnt let those happen.
yea.. ^^
but also.. lol.. for lookz..
MUST have nice hair. nice color and spikez
nice clothez~ thugged out sometimez and casual nice-church clothez sometimez..
nice teeth~
nice smell~ must have nice cologne.. er else.. i kant be near him
good at sportz.. deizel nd noez how 2 fite~ ^^
nice shoez~
nice voice. no girlish wunz..
5'5-5'11.. lol.. im liek.. 5'..
andd.. nice 2 kidz~
^^* dahzz bowt it..
i dunt expekt much..

Posted by yupkipucca on 04-02-2002 07:07 AM:

i'm kinda picky...

taller than 5'3, shorter than 6'0
great smile
cute eyes
no ssang ga pul
funny but knows when to be serious
nice to talk to
will do anything for me
a good friend
has nice friends
smells nice (i dunno why...)
has muscles
either good singing voice, rapping voice, or plays an instrument well
likes kids
doesn't have a temper
is able to take insults...
strong but girlish (kinda like Hoyoung)
nice to his family
doesn't care about religion
korean, but i guess he CAN be something else...
dyed hair
good dresser
doesn't smoke
can drink a lot but doesnt
and i want him to be romantic

<~ credits to huby.. thanx so much! ^^

Posted by krnxswat on 04-02-2002 08:37 AM:

haha sorry but i was bored so i juss read the forum here..
wow.. girls expect so much things from guys..yet guys dont expect much from girls..^^;

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by Ladi Jay on 04-02-2002 02:06 PM:

Originally posted by krnxswat
haha sorry but i was bored so i juss read the forum here..
wow.. girls expect so much things from guys..yet guys dont expect much from girls..^^;

Well, what do guys expect then? Tell us... We wanna hear...

Posted by krnxswat on 04-02-2002 02:25 PM:

haha guys dont realli expect much..
they just want their girls to be pretti, nice, and carinG..
thas bout it..
but on the other hand..
girls looq for lyke 10000000 other things..^^;

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by yupkipucca on 04-02-2002 02:48 PM:

well, girls want basically the same thing but they just make it seem confusing.. like wut i want can me sumed up with: nice, sweet, cute...and some lil details! when guys say wut they want it's too general.. like wut does pretty, nice, and caring mean to them exactally??? long hair?? short hair?? i dun get it...

<~ credits to huby.. thanx so much! ^^

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-02-2002 04:35 PM:

im sorry you gurls are retarded.. aside from the obvious pickiness... (which in todays world would be considered high standards.. i just think its being picky) ... but the hope of u gurls dating the.. tall, broad shouldered, dark skinned, sang ggapulled... whatever was on your list.. is being petty.. very petty.. im only saying this cuz i read some of what guys typed out in the guys forum and i figure it wouldn't be any worse than that.. guess i was wrong.. just as worse..
maybe its just my age.. but most likely you guys are like 14 or 15.. and your generation is too into the whole h.o.t. thing where the glamorous is what you guys desire.. i personally think h.o.t. is not all that and they should finally die already.. (they were popular five years ago.. now dont live in the past now) ..i myself as a guy like the average woman who have some flaws.. so we can mix n match well.. maybe you gurls are too young to understand but having a list like that is just ridiculous..

p.s. if i get criticized for this.. its ok.. cuz i stepped into the unknown boundaries of the woman's sex forum..ahahha..sorry. didnt mean to directly offend anyone..



Posted by yupkipucca on 04-03-2002 09:47 AM:

i understand what you mean cause i know that i'll never meet a guy like the one that i said..but it's okay to dream... all i really want is a person who's nice all of the other stuff dont really matter, but it'd still be nice.

<~ credits to huby.. thanx so much! ^^

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 04-03-2002 07:43 PM:

ahahahahhaa wth are guys doing in the woman's forum?? haha! well i plan to check out the guys forum l8r neway...hehehe
and these pplz aren't being picky, this is their DREAM GUY that they noe they will never meet! at least thaz how i feel about MAI list...hehe. of course we're not looking for sum1 like that! it's impossible!! and i think guys are pickier than girls...girls juss want a guy who's nice and caring but guys want a girl that's hot and good in bed and all that shit. neway, here's mai list of an UNREAL guy that i'd LIKE to have but duzn't exist~

at least 5'8" or taller
at least 130 lbs or more but less thann 190 (no skinny guys!)
buff (6pak, biceps, pecs, etc)
size 10 feet or bigger
nice hair
gorgeous face (i like pretti boiz )
wears glasses and looks good in em
hopefully no surgery...ssang ga pul is ok i guess
sensitive but not more sensitive than me
good in bed
gives good hugs
good kisser
smart (in skool had to at least hav a 3.83)
dresses well (kinda ghetto--preppy clothes included too)
nice smile
christian (catholic wud be best for me)
race duzn't matter, but chinese or krn is preferred
duzn't talk too much
not too slow (won't get mai jokes, thaz not good )
nice teeth
nice hands
nice eyebrows
ncie family
sum1 hu i can talk to for hours or not talk to and still be happy
sum1 hu only luvs me <<<most important

hmm can't think of nemore...but in a nutshell, it's danny im!!!

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