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Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-28-2003 03:20 AM:

SAT II's language

they hav the weirdest questions....

french SAT II:
Nous attendions Guillaume pendant une heure. Tout a coup le telephone a sonne, et j'ai reconnu la voix de Guillaume. Il a explique:
a. Je suis en panne.
b. Je n'ai pas de cuiller.
c. Je prends de l'embonpoint.
d. Je dois me moucher.
e. je vous suis tres reconnaissant.

We waited for Guillaume for an hour. All of a sudden the phone sounded, and i recognized the voice of Guillaume. He explained:
a. I'm in a breakdown.
b. I don't have a coffee spoon.
c. I'm getting fatter.
d. I must wipe myself.
e. I am very grateful to you.

chinese: (i don't have the text...excuse mai crappy pinyin)
nin da na (er) lai de?
a. wo da na (er) qu
b. wo bu da dian hua
c. zhong guo lai de

Where are you from?
a. where am i going
b. i don't use the telephone
c. from china

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 03-01-2003 12:04 AM:

they occasionally try to make the answers obvious so that their precious bell curve will remain intact.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

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