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Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 05-01-2003 10:31 PM:

Letting go

i liked a girl, asked her our, rejected.... but i still can't get over her.... i just can't let go.... i know it's not going to work out, might as well give up... but still... i can't let go of the feeling... how can i get rid of it? any pointerz?


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by merdawg on 05-02-2003 01:27 AM:

Re: Letting go

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
i liked a girl, asked her our, rejected.... but i still can't get over her.... i just can't let go.... i know it's not going to work out, might as well give up... but still... i can't let go of the feeling... how can i get rid of it? any pointerz?

isn't she moving away soon or something? well, i dont really know wat to do for ur situation, but wat i would do is i would tell her wat i feel about her. then and only then will you have all ur emotions out. just put ur heart on ur sleeve, and wen those feelings are out, then maybe, just maybe, u will let her go.


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by MaGiKToToRo on 05-02-2003 01:44 AM:

Shes moving away????? Yeah, maybe u should just tell how you really feel about her, dont be afraid to be rejected though..... Just let it out.... Even if you do get rejected, you'll know that you tried.... And, its her fault that she'll be missing out on getting to go out with a nice guy like u..... well, thats my advice.... Just tell her how you *REALLY* feel about her.

"Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."

-Sweedish Proverb

aim: MaGiKToToRo
xanga: MaGiKToToRo

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 05-02-2003 10:15 PM:

Re: Re: Letting go

Originally posted by merdawg
isn't she moving away soon or something? well, i dont really know wat to do for ur situation, but wat i would do is i would tell her wat i feel about her. then and only then will you have all ur emotions out. just put ur heart on ur sleeve, and wen those feelings are out, then maybe, just maybe, u will let her go.

i'm scared to tell my feelings, it's so much easier to say "tell her how u feel" then actually doing it. not like it's actually gonna work so might aswell just hide like a coward


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by on 05-02-2003 10:24 PM:

There's plenty of other girls.

Posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0 on 05-02-2003 11:38 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Letting go

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
i'm scared to tell my feelings, it's so much easier to say "tell her how u feel" then actually doing it. not like it's actually gonna work so might aswell just hide like a coward

you know why crushes never work out? it's because the person that is doing the crushin' has a low self confidence when viewing the object of their affection in such a higher manner. stop putting that girl up on a pedestal and just tell her. if you get rejected, it's not as if God has thrown a lightning bolt down at you; it's just a sign for you to redirect your focus elsewhere, whether it be on another girl or something else. face the facts, if you're scared to tell someone your feelings, then what makes you think your heart is ready for things much greater than love confessions- such as fights, breakups, etc? i know asking someone out or confessing your feelings might be difficult, but no one ever said getting what you want in life was easy.

¢´ Face The Facts ¢´

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 05-03-2003 12:03 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Letting go

Originally posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0
you know why crushes never work out? it's because the person that is doing the crushin' has a low self confidence when viewing the object of their affection in such a higher manner. stop putting that girl up on a pedestal and just tell her. if you get rejected, it's not as if God has thrown a lightning bolt down at you; it's just a sign for you to redirect your focus elsewhere, whether it be on another girl or something else. face the facts, if you're scared to tell someone your feelings, then what makes you think your heart is ready for things much greater than love confessions- such as fights, breakups, etc? i know asking someone out or confessing your feelings might be difficult, but no one ever said getting what you want in life was easy.
great make him cry..

Posted by merdawg on 05-03-2003 03:05 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Letting go

Originally posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0
you know why crushes never work out? it's because the person that is doing the crushin' has a low self confidence when viewing the object of their affection in such a higher manner. stop putting that girl up on a pedestal and just tell her. if you get rejected, it's not as if God has thrown a lightning bolt down at you; it's just a sign for you to redirect your focus elsewhere, whether it be on another girl or something else. face the facts, if you're scared to tell someone your feelings, then what makes you think your heart is ready for things much greater than love confessions- such as fights, breakups, etc? i know asking someone out or confessing your feelings might be difficult, but no one ever said getting what you want in life was easy.



"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by yubeenie on 05-03-2003 07:04 AM:

Re: Letting go

hoO..having hard time?..T_T..well..... you cant do anything..
just.. be friend with her.. i mean..it mite be very hard.. but..
who nos??.. she mite like you back?..uhhh... relax..=_=; hmm.. only the time noz wut'z gonna happen..let'z see!


aim-> fromgod2000
msn-> eunicelovely@hotmail.com

Posted by lilkrnboi on 05-03-2003 08:00 AM:

Originally posted by screwyou
There's plenty of other girls.

yep If I were u I would look 4 another girl and just move on.

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 05-03-2003 04:47 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Letting go

Originally posted by psyTeK ver. 2.0
you know why crushes never work out? it's because the person that is doing the crushin' has a low self confidence when viewing the object of their affection in such a higher manner. stop putting that girl up on a pedestal and just tell her. if you get rejected, it's not as if God has thrown a lightning bolt down at you; it's just a sign for you to redirect your focus elsewhere, whether it be on another girl or something else. face the facts, if you're scared to tell someone your feelings, then what makes you think your heart is ready for things much greater than love confessions- such as fights, breakups, etc? i know asking someone out or confessing your feelings might be difficult, but no one ever said getting what you want in life was easy.

great make him cry..

hahha ain't gonna cry about it, he's harsh but he knows wut he is talking about.... he's right too


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

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