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-- How to dance (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=9579)

Posted by PhilNeil on 01-03-2003 04:22 PM:

How to dance

Hey just found this forum and guess I would ask a question.. How do u dance?!?! I watch a show called Room 208 which is on a music channel on cable tv in Australia and watch them all dancing and I wanna learn to dance... I'm 18 soon and wanna go clubbing n shit so i wanna learn how to dance! cheers in advance

Posted by ajy on 01-03-2003 04:50 PM:


Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 01-03-2003 05:48 PM:

theres too many style of dance to just say ' i wanna learn how to dance"... you can just move your body to da beat thats concidered dancing....


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aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by rhymester* on 01-03-2003 06:27 PM:

just go to the club and watch how the ppl dance, and try to follow it, then later on once u got it you can create your own style. just move wit the groove!


Posted by iTsmeehLita on 01-03-2003 07:14 PM:

yea ... i would suggest that you NEVER ... stand with your feet planted on the floor and just move your upper torso back and forth...

omg .. this guy like that danced with me before .. i tried not to bust out laughing at him ...

well .. usually at the clubs ... like bounce .. and try to feel the rhythm throughout your body ..

if you want .. practice at home .. flare up the music and just watch yourself .. you could learn some stuffs .. whats good .. and whats not ...

and learn how to freak .. !

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 01-04-2003 06:54 AM:

listen 2 the music and feel the beats to it, then move ur body to it... its kinda hard to teach sum1 how 2 dance without physically being next to them~

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

Posted by tm11 on 01-04-2003 07:17 AM:

what kind of music do you like? Some types of dance are better suited to certain genres of music?

Most of the comments here are good ways to try dancing. I'd suggest just following the beat and trying to move to it however you feel like. Try to emulate people you see on T.V. and try to find some inspiration for your own moves there. Also there are a lot of cool videos online of people dancing, there are endless sources online.

word is bond

Posted by *~JoEy~* on 01-07-2003 01:21 AM:

record one of them sessions, replay in slow-mo. . . . NAH maaaan~ i mean unless you wnna do jus that, otherwise leanr from pros like Peewee Herman, Forrest Gump (when he's dancing with Jenny), or beter yet Mr. Bean, now that's dancing. . . .

Music is supposed to move you, when you move you create a dance, it's inner/self expression, like graffiti writers, MCs, Djs they all out there expressin themselves. sure people do it to be cool and i ain't hatin. Lots of people start out that way and involve themselves into the dance and better express later on. . . . anywaise that's my view on dancing, it just comes through you~

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