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-- where did u ppl first learn to do a dance move/or where did u dance first in ur life? (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=3904)

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-09-2002 02:57 AM:

where did u ppl first learn to do a dance move/or where did u dance first in ur life?

imma bored, so heres a new thread for this dance forum.........i first learned to dance in church, at my friday nite youth group, haha, havent gone to school dance b4, bcuz none of my friends go either (azn ppl are so *arrrrrrggghhhhh* sometimes, high school now should be different......), and on a ddr machine, or around my friends


Posted by Nojeel on 08-09-2002 02:58 AM:

i did my first uprock when i was 12..that was my first dance move i guess..


Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-09-2002 03:05 AM:

dayam, 12, thats pretty young.......lol, i first learned to do a six step last year, when i was 13


Posted by TAIgrr on 08-09-2002 03:11 AM:

blah -.-;;
i think my VERY first dance performance was KOREAN TRADITIONAL FAN DANCE
you know, with those feathered fans with han bok on...

did it since i was like.. er... 3 rd grade or something..
and before fan dancing there was this OTHER traditional dance for little kids and i did that in 1rst grade.

something like this.. cept it was all korean kids from my church. :satisfy:


Posted by Nojeel on 08-09-2002 03:13 AM:

hahha..that's not REALLY a dance..


Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-09-2002 03:13 AM:

jeez!! all u ppl learn to dance so young, make me feel stoooooopid... :huh:


Posted by TAIgrr on 08-09-2002 03:16 AM:

Originally posted by Nojeel
hahha..that's not REALLY a dance..

hahhha blah who cares
it was still my FIRST dance


Posted by junjinluber33 on 08-09-2002 04:24 AM:

hmm... i learned how to freak? haha~ uh... first dance i learned was either... HOT's we are the future or Baby Vox's get up... dont remember...


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Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-09-2002 07:49 AM:

i started breaking like 3-4 years ago after i learned couple moves i went to raving like 2 years ago and started learning shakes last year and i'm gettin into mixing everything up so yea

my friend he taught most of my dancing moves and i like watch dancing compoz n i learned frum dat

Posted by Ladi Jay on 08-09-2002 05:42 PM:

Originally posted by junjinluber33
hmm... i learned how to freak? haha~ uh... first dance i learned was either... HOT's we are the future or Baby Vox's get up... dont remember...

puhaha... you freak cathy??? OMG... that is some crazy stuff...

Hmm, when did I first learn to dance??? I've been making up my own dance routines ever since... I was hella young... I think I was like 8 years old... I did traditional dancing, hip hop, and freestyle... I wanna learn how to do more footwork...

I remember when I was like three, I used to put in karaoke videos and dance and sing to those... good old days... and my parents always tell me that when I was one, I would always wanna turn on music and dance...

heh, that answers the question right? :huh:

Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-10-2002 07:42 PM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn

puhaha... you freak cathy??? OMG... that is some crazy stuff...

Hmm, when did I first learn to dance??? I've been making up my own dance routines ever since... I was hella young... I think I was like 8 years old... I did traditional dancing, hip hop, and freestyle... I wanna learn how to do more footwork...

I remember when I was like three, I used to put in karaoke videos and dance and sing to those... good old days... and my parents always tell me that when I was one, I would always wanna turn on music and dance...

heh, that answers the question right? :huh:

thats cool making up ur own dance!

Posted by hip hOp Yu Ja on 08-11-2002 12:17 AM:

i used 2 luv watchin ppl dance on tv N stuph but i neva wuz able 2 figure out da rythym 2 mOve mai bOdie tOo. but den wen i wuz in 7th grade i started reallie fOcusin on dancin (everything yOo kan think of frOm k-pop, tehcno, rap, hip hop, etc ) N i finalie found mai own styles N mOves... sum r kinda retarded! haha but yea, nOw i chOregraph mai skOo's hip hop triO N chOreOgraf fO our skOo rally's N such. it ish shO awesum, juz dat feelin 2 B one wit da music! dancin ish mai lyf~ ^_^

"Me I'm into being like #1 Korean, I represent the Seoul and every yellow human being" ... DT...

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 08-11-2002 05:39 AM:

i first danced in public in around 6th or 7th grade at some school dance thing afterschool.. i didnt know anybody really but it was free so i went and drank all the punch and pizza and tried to build enough courage to dance ... as soon as they played my then favorite song "ninja rap" by vanilla ice from teenage mutant ninja turtles 2 i started bustin a move behind some table hopin noone would see me.. and then party over. d=D



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