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Posted by sArAnGhAeYo012 on 12-21-2002 02:01 AM:

Dry Skin?!

I have dry skin. and I need to find a good lotion to put on it...I've tried several, but they don't work! Can anyone please help me?! Thanks..

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 12-21-2002 02:44 AM:

uhm .. lotion for your face or for your body??

i use jergens .. the shave minimizer one ( not sure if its for dry skin?? )

when you're buying lotion .. put some on at the store .. check if it comes out more creamy or watery .. if it comes out thick .. thats your best buy ..

i use ponds moisturizer for my face .. it works ok .. i have to apply like 2 coats though ..

if you have really bad dry skin because of the weather .. you can ask a dermatologist to reccomend you one

Posted by dalgyal on 12-21-2002 04:11 AM:

for my face i use clean and clear moisterizer.. and den johnsons baby lotion cream..

and den for everything else [like hands, body, etc], i use juss regular johnsonz baby lotion or tommy girl body lotion.

hehe they seem to work for me.. hope it works for u ^^


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 12-21-2002 05:13 AM:

Dry skin is a common reason for seeking medical treatment when the humidity level drops and the air is "dry." Treatment is successful only when you make a few lifestyles changes and, of course, when the humidity level increases.

A hot shower or bath feels great, but it opens your pores and ultimately dries you more. Cool the bath/shower temperature. It helps to start with your normal temperature water then gradually end with the coolest water tolerable.

Use a super-fatted soap. One with an oily base. Caress™ Deodorant is one recommendation.

Don’t linger so long in the water and don’t take so many baths/showers.

Use lotions and moisturizers after a shower/bath to "trap" water in the skin.

Fabric softeners are a common offending agent. Limit or discontinue use when the air is dry.

A humidifier is sometimes helpful, but change the water and clean it frequently.

basicalli, dun overhydrate ur skin by having it come in contact w water too much and use lotions that are very oily so it'll trap the water in ur skin

Posted by touch_my_butt on 12-21-2002 05:26 AM:

dry weather&dry skin...it rapes hardcore-_-;;...i use my friends Victoria Secret lotion...i tink it werks the best

Posted by redoubt on 12-21-2002 06:06 AM:

lotion?! why lotion?
drink more WATER!!

good, morning

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