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Posted by GeeRoe on 10-10-2002 03:38 AM:


hey sup friends...im jus here to ask you some major things that are causing me to break down... ive recently become the leader of my yg and its just become so hard... im a senior now and after watching some hyungs an nunas handling being a leader it seemed like such a good and simple position... now my yg is so broke down and i barely have enough strenth to handle everyone and my only sources of encouragment all went away to college... growing up with this yg it really hurts me to see the population and spirit decreasing in everyone..and me, as a leader im doing things that if my little bro's an sisters would lose whatever respect theyve had... since im almost through dealing with my yg i go out everynight and go to noraeB and someone really close told me off yesterday an i just felt ashamed in front of her and ma crew...damn im not only dragging myself down i drag everyone down with me... im sure if u guys really arent sure of what im goin through but im just so desperate for wisdom and answers, and mt friends just want me to come to there church so i cant ask them...i need my yg but its crumbling __sigh__ guys i just hope you guys can pray for me cus hey we may meet one day~ well later frends


Posted by Nojeel on 10-10-2002 04:18 AM:

wow man..can't say i know how you feel..honestly..i've never been in that position..so i wont bullshit and act like i know what im talking about..being a leader of your youth group.that's saying alot..they have respect for you..that's why you are in the position that you are..im sure your going through some tough times right now..i've been in tough times as well..everyone has..just try to cheer up and try to be happy..i know its hard..and me just saying *be happy* aint gonna cut it..but that's what you got to do..i dont know you at all so i can't say anything but give you my thoughts and opinions..just keep your head high up man..everything, hopefully will turn out the way you want it to..much luck to you


Posted by Jj2 on 10-10-2002 10:18 AM:

ok, i've never been a leader of a yg and i'm just starting to be a christian again...all i can say is, just lift ur head up and since God is always right there with u, i'm sure he'll make sure that u pull through hope that helped

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 10-10-2002 10:36 PM:

i've been in a leadership position at church so i'll share with you

i was praise leader for a year and half and leader for several missions trips. i would go to all the leadership training and attend all of the meetings and so on and so forth. i enjoyed praising and leading praise and getting involved with church. people knew who i was and what i did and accepted me for that and never questioned my motives as to why i attend church and why i lead. After all... noone's perfect.(remember that always)

After about a year of leading praise i started questioning my own faith and purpose. prase was wonderful. we sounded awesome. but i started losing focus on the real reason as to why the group even existed. so i started asking myself as a leader Why do i do it? does my being a leader hinder someone else's growth because i was afraid to ask about their faith? (i know im being vague sorry) I mean i wasn't exactly the model christian . and i asked myself would the praise group be fine without me?. would it turn to crap?

i found myself in a position where i had to admit to myself that praise was only a part of my faith and i felt i helped the praise group grow as a group but not as christians. and i had to work on my own growth if i was going to share it with others. so i quit and asked one of the youth group people to nominate another leader.
They did really well. I think they still do.

point of this vague ass story is that if you appoint all of the responsibility unto yourself then its bound to fail. Its not called a youth GROUP for nothing. You shouldn't blame yourself for the fall of others but rather encourage in everyway to pick them up if need be. you should reevaluate your position as to how you can help your youth group the most without hurting your own faith and growth. all those questions about nohraebang and all that guilt thats placed on your head should come later. Ask yourself the basics and the answers should be clearer.

as for me i rarely go to church but i try. its not my fault. not like i can walk there the bus sucks d=D but i wil.. sorry if none of this made any sense but you can pm me or im me if you want aim-kenversusryu



Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 10-10-2002 10:39 PM:

sorry.. when i read all that again it sounded really discouraging. and alot of times when you're alone leading a group it can be. but remember the reasons why you chose to lead.



Posted by GeeRoe on 10-11-2002 01:16 AM:

hey listen thankx alot people i mean what u guys sed really makes some sense.. u know i know is foul i think this but im really glad like im not the only bro going through all this thank u peep


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-11-2002 02:14 AM:

a lot of youth groups prolly go thru this stage where it seems like it's gonna fall apart. recently 2 of our best leaders went off to college and next yr anothr 2 are gonna be gone too, so we're panickin and tryin to pick new leaders. it's hard, cuz the pplz hu are gone or hu r gonna leave were the most dedicated ones. now its' like we hav a bunch of juniors/sophs hu r tryin to take over the reponsibility but it's realli hard, like yg leaders noe...in fact, there was a period of time where mai yg wuz just so unproductive that all the adults got worried and started to "supervise" our meets cuz they thot we were just screwin around and not gettin nethin out of the meetings.
it's gotten a lot bettr now. the new leaders are learning and i think they'll be prepared to take over next yr. but dun worri....as a yg leader, u hav a very heavy responsibility, but remember ur doin this cuz u want to help pplz get closer to God. thaz all that matters. but u hav to commit to this title and work hard to help ur yg. i hope that helped

Posted by Jj2 on 10-11-2002 11:46 AM:

Originally posted by GeeRoe
hey listen thankx alot people i mean what u guys sed really makes some sense.. u know i know is foul i think this but im really glad like im not the only bro going through all this thank u peep

i'm glad that u found all the messages encouraging

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

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