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-- The longest time you've gone without food (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=2633)

Posted by annabanana on 06-21-2002 04:03 PM:


What's the longest time you've gone without food? and how did it feel to be really hungry?

Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-21-2002 05:02 PM:

Omg... I don't think I could ever do that... actually, I've gone one day without food... It wasn't that bad because I was having a lot of fun and just forgot about food. But, I dunno if I can do it again... I love eating... especially good food...

Posted by krnxswat on 06-21-2002 05:13 PM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn
... I love eating... especially good food...

oOOO id hafta agree with that `

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by TAIgrr on 06-21-2002 07:39 PM:

twenty hours...

yep, i was fasting that day..

did the MOST praying i ever did in my life


Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 06-21-2002 09:37 PM:

haha...i think i've been without food for 12 - 17 hours at da longest.
when i'm hungry..i get all weak and tried and hot..
i hate dat feeling =T

Posted by junjinluber33 on 06-23-2002 12:59 AM:

i went to a church retreat n starved three days except i ate two cream savers~ haha! the food had bugs all over it with flies flying over everything... YUCK!!! when it came around breakfast/lunch/dinner time, my stomach would feel empty n then make these LOUD sounds. after that stopped, i didnt feel hungry anymore. the good thing about that experience was that i lost ALOT of weight from my face. iuno how many lbs. buh maybe ill post some pixes


click^ leave a msg in my chatter box!

team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by shoujo on 06-23-2002 11:22 AM:

mm...i think it's around 18-19 hours..
well..it was horrible hahaha..
i felt i had no energy, lazy, and all that stuff..
and my stomach started to make that sound..haha


Posted by tea on 06-23-2002 09:08 PM:

ive been doing this recently, cuz theres ntohign to eat in my house, and im too lazy to drive myself to buy something...so i think i can go for more than 24 hours.


Posted by TAIgrr on 06-23-2002 09:21 PM:

more than 24????
i'd die!!!
well i wont.. but i'd be on a new kind of pms


Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-23-2002 11:07 PM:

ever feel bloated when you don't eat for a long time??? I get that feeling...

How about farting???

Posted by sangxjin on 06-24-2002 03:17 AM:

4 hours..


Props To Huby

Posted by annabanana on 06-27-2002 11:32 PM:

I miss school! cuz at school i was actually fed at lunch. and now it's summer and i'm too lazy to make anything, so basically i can go the day without a lot of food until my mom can make dinner.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 07-09-2002 08:04 AM:

the longest wuz prolly 24 hrs. i had a cup of milk and an altoid. i've never been able to go past that, and i onli reached that once more.

Posted by kreandude on 07-09-2002 10:59 PM:

a day since i was fasting...after that my stomach shrank so i couldnt stuff myself...bleh,,

Posted by huby40 on 07-10-2002 12:10 AM:

2 days... but i drank water

Posted by clickbjjang on 07-16-2002 01:23 PM:

1 day... i just didnt feel hungry

<(' '< ) <(' ')> (>' ')> <(' ')>
lets do the kirby dance ^-^
wooooooooooo ^^

Posted by dot on 07-16-2002 10:53 PM:

i think i went without food for like 34hours, no drinks either..i just didn't feel like eating..i think my mouth was too tired to chew

not on my radar


Posted by kiggaplease on 07-22-2002 10:15 PM:

2 years

they cryogenically froze me and left me in an absolute zero force-field

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