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Posted by micron on 03-11-2003 06:12 AM:

are you open?

hmm. a lot of times, i find myself restraining myself from saying things that i would like to. its very hard for me to be really open to people. i wish it was otherwise.

Posted by krnxswat on 03-11-2003 01:11 PM:

heh I wouldn't call myself open, I guess I'm too shy =/

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by ajy on 03-11-2003 03:14 PM:

yeah seon you are shy

im an open person

Posted by MasWusHot on 03-11-2003 08:00 PM:

Im open sometimes..like it depends on the people im around lol like in school my fourth period class im the most open craziest person haha but in 1st and 2nd period I barely say anything..its kind of weird lol i dont get it hahah

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xxkpopxx/bhgft.bmp"><br><br>
its better to lose a lover, than to love a loser

Posted by UnisMuiMui on 03-11-2003 10:11 PM:

yeah only to certain people i know and trust


Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 03-11-2003 10:16 PM:

if there are a group of people like in this forum i always hold back cuase im sure ill offend someone but in person im pretty open about wut i think cause i dont care about offending my friends cause they kno my personality.

Posted by tm11 on 03-11-2003 11:06 PM:

not really, I feel i'll regret being open later, and that is why I am not.

word is bond

Posted by merdawg on 03-11-2003 11:47 PM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
if there are a group of people like in this forum i always hold back cuase im sure ill offend someone but in person im pretty open about wut i think cause i dont care about offending my friends cause they kno my personality.

haha..kevin hates everyone and thinks that everyone is gay.lol


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by requiem on 03-12-2003 12:45 AM:

I'd say I'm pretty open in that respect. I don't always say what I think but I always say something that will get my feelings across. Sarcasm is a wonderful thing.

When the day is done
you are all that is left

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 03-12-2003 12:49 AM:

Originally posted by merdawg
haha..kevin hates everyone and thinks that everyone is gay.lol

but still gets mad play... o0o0o battle arena here i come!

Posted by aznkid1008 on 03-12-2003 01:35 AM:

yo jusun sometimes its better 2 be shy like sometime i really should shut up but at the time i dont. like i'll say somethin fairly mean but hey it was true!

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 03-12-2003 02:57 AM:

Originally posted by requiem
Sarcasm is a wonderful thing.


ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Ariana on 03-12-2003 05:59 AM:

Re: are you open?

Originally posted by jusunlee
hmm. a lot of times, i find myself restraining myself from saying things that i would like to. its very hard for me to be really open to people. i wish it was otherwise.

Sounds just like me. Too often have I kept quiet when I should have taken a stand, always staying neutral to avoid the conflict, but also avoid getting feelings across and maybe missing opportunity. Too often have I been dubbed as "shady" because I'm not really "open" about my emotions and what I am thinking. So what of it? Sometimes I just don't feel like sharing with the group to entertain or sharing with certain people if I don't feel comfortable with them. Anyway, I'm a rather reserved person, keeping certain things private. However, occasionally when in the right mood or feel the need to rant I will divulge. (not in the betrayal sense though) Despite all this I still wish that sometimes I did not horde my thoughts and that I found it easier to talk with people, but things are changing everday.. I mean I joined this board didn't I?

"Never be bullied into silence. ever allow yourself to be ade a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, define it yourself." Harvey Fierstein

Posted by Ladi Jay on 03-14-2003 03:47 AM:

I'm open around those I trust and grew up with... extremely open.

but I think I'm also somewhat open when it comes to these forums... it's as if I can be open about anything because you guys are so close

Posted by Ladi Jay on 03-14-2003 03:48 AM:

-edit-sorrie, double post

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 03-15-2003 02:31 AM:

i'm open to certain people...but to most i'm not. i might seem like a normal person just talking about stuff that normal girls talk about, but then i never share anything personal....like secrets, feelings, emotions, etc. actualli, i think i've been more open on these forums than i hav been in person. i find it easier to talk to strangers than to people i know, probably because i'm afraid they'll always hav in mind what i told them. well, it doesn't really matter; i'm a better listner than i am talker

Posted by niggoreanboi on 03-18-2003 06:50 AM:

i'm open
i talk to people i don't knoe what ever comes to mind i say it yup i say i'm pretty open guy but yea my home girls say it ain't good and i be say thing people don'tw ant to hear but i say i don't care :D jeez i just farted *giggles*

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 03-20-2003 06:10 AM:

yah i think i am open too .. just about some topics ... to certain people ... but most of the time i think it's me who's trying to open them up and make people talk about themselves .. i like getting to know people .. and in a way .. by making conversation that way .. i guess i'm open??

but i dont know how some people are sooooo open tho .. i mean like they know somebody for 2 minutes and they're already opening up about their whole life ... that's cool ... but to an extent ... i mean i wouldnt want to just go on like that bout myself .. but yup ... thas all!

Posted by niggoreanboi on 03-24-2003 05:18 AM:

alot of us are open ^_^ *high five* we're open like a used up hoe spreading her legs wooo

Posted by saranghae on 04-08-2003 05:42 AM:

Originally posted by UnisMuiMui
yeah only to certain people i know and trust

same same.

sometimes i hold back on wut i wanna say cuz i'm scared that it might sound out wrong or something. but to friends and close people.. i juss speak wutever is on my mind x]

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