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Posted by junjinluber33 on 08-27-2002 08:39 AM:

need help!!!!!

my friend *matt from school left last year becuz of some family problems. he lived with his mom and stepdad. his stepdad got mad one night and let all of his inside emotions out saying that he didnt want *matt to live in the house anymore and made his mom choose between her son or her bf. she chose her bf. so *matt left to live w/ his grandparents miles and miles away. he came back to orange county to stay with his uncle for the summer. i talked to him, and things got worse. his mom wants to leave her bf and start off new with *matt buh goes through more complications. im talking to him rite now, he almost got kicked out of the house and stuff. he wants to kill himself just so his family will learn their lesson. that they shouldnt have made the same mistakes twice and hurt him like that.

i've comforted him through the summer. and i dont know what to do anymore. i dont want him to die like that.... i seriously think that he would do someting like that and it scares me. i cant keep my eye on him so i dunt know whats gunna happen. he keeps telling me that he's glad hes met me and talked to me... and that i was always the one that cared more than others. what is that supposed ot mean? friggen sounds like a goodbye... i tried offering him a house to live in with his mom... but i think im too late... sniffles....


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Posted by TyGer STyLe on 08-27-2002 09:40 AM:

oh man... i dunno wat to say cat... i've helped a few people out of their depressions and stuff... and people got pretty close to suicide... but their problems were never this bad...

the way i see it... the basis to most suicides is the fact that they feel they have no hope in their lives... so since they have no hope and nothing to look forward... they end it... cat... be there for your friend... make sure he has some hope in his life... something to hold on to... and have some of your other friends keep an eye on him too... never ever leave him feeling alone... im not saying smother him either... jus make sure you give him support and make him understand that life always has something better later...

Enter My Head!

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-27-2002 09:53 PM:

o gosh...thaz so sad! i agree w tyger...be there for him, try to help see that he's not alone in life and that he has sumtin to live for. is he clinically depressed, or duz he just want to kill himself to teach his mom a lesson? cuz if he's depressed there's not much u can do cept be there for him...but if he just wants revenge u can try to get his mind straight and talk rationally to him, sayin that isn't the best way to teach his mom a lesson...maib their family cud go into counseling? i hope everything works out :sad:

Posted by junjinluber33 on 08-27-2002 11:53 PM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
maib their family cud go into counseling? i hope everything works out :sad:

thats what i was thinking too.. buh i think if he mentioned counseling their family would start fighting over that subject. and yea... i hope things work out too...

i talked to him today, i feel kinda bad. maybe i should've tried calling him. the whole getting kicked out happened while i was at a church retreat. he does have other friends from school, but im the only one he talks to. he always talks about how he doesnt have a social life anymore cuz he lives so far from us. plus his family is turning against him. he sed that he wanted to leave it all... so i thinking maybe he could move in with an old friend er somethin buh then he sed his mom would have a fit. oiye! dunno wah to do! i cant even talk to him that much... i dont even think he'd stay alive for me.... he sed that i kept him going for a while but now he's just angry inside and doesnt care anymore. *SiGh*


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Posted by Ladi Jay on 08-28-2002 02:34 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
maib their family cud go into counseling? i hope everything works out :sad:

no family likes to admit that they need counseling even if they really need it... it's true... :huh:

Posted by junjinluber33 on 08-28-2002 06:38 AM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn
no family likes to admit that they need counseling even if they really need it... it's true... :huh:

thats true too. and you cant get helped with a problem unless you admit you have one


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-28-2002 09:18 AM:

that is true...no one likes to admit that they need help. :sad: but realize if sumtin duz happen to ur frend...it wuzn't ur fault. you seemed to hav done a lot already, and u prolly feel u need to do more, but realli, wut can u do besides turn him in to a clinic or sumtin? he's in a very dangerous state rite now...he needs help to get out of this

and i noe this sounds scary but...hav u tried talkin to his family :huh:

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