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Posted by Flaming_June on 02-06-2003 06:55 AM:

'bout my aunt

lately ive been collecting signitures for a petition
asking the canadian government to help stop the persecution
of falun gong in china at the next un human rights meeting in march

so i thought i might as well tell you guys about my aunt's situation in china right now

she started to practice falun gong about 1996 or so (btw, falun gong is a type of a popular qi gong practice thats similar to tai chi)
and after president jiang of china heard that theres 100 million ppl doing the practice in china, he immediately started a crackdown against the practice and the ppl who did it

so after the crackdown, my aunt, who never commited any crimes where arrested b/c the local authorities knew she did the practice. she was strapped to a chair and beat with electic baton. after she got out she said that one more shock to the heart she would've died

the thrid time she was arrested she was sentenced to couple years in a labour camp. on the police sheet it said she havn't commited any crimes (she was arrested from her home all three times), but still locked up. i went to the labour camp to visit her last year. the camp was filled with 60+ year old falun gong practitioners. i brought food and water and pjs, but the guards wouldnt allow her to take it.

during the persecution, over 500 ppl have been beaten and tortuerd to death, the youngest being 8months old only.

i thought you guys might wana know

hockey lives here

Posted by merdawg on 02-06-2003 11:40 AM:

oh. wow...thats very sad....how long will ur aunt be in that camp?


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-06-2003 03:41 PM:

is there anything anyone can do to stop this persecution? im really sorry to hear about this.

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 02-06-2003 06:39 PM:

thats the most horrible and ludacris thing i've heard. can you go over what falun gong is more thoroughly? im interested about this situation.



Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-08-2003 06:01 AM:

geez that's horrible. what i don't understand is why the government would want to persecute falun gang practitioners in the first place. and an 8-month old baby??? i hope your aunt will be ok. i wish there was something we could do...

Posted by Flaming_June on 02-09-2003 04:56 AM:

falun gong is a cultivation practice, a type of qi gong.
it started in 92 in china, because it was free and had wonderful benefits, it quicky spread.

it consist of tai chi like exercises and a set of meditation which help unblock all meridians and pressure points, practitioners assimilate to the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance thus helping you become more mentally healthy

it won numerous awards in china before the persercution, and over 1000 awards overseas in northamerica, europe, auss. etc

keep in mind, that the practice was spread by word of mouth.
many practice sites consisited of thousands of ppl practicing in the parks in the mornings. in 99, early april, in a city in china a bun of policemen beat 75 and arrested 50 ppl when they were practicing the exercises in the park.

after hearing the news, many practitioners felt obligated to help, thus 10,000 or so practitioners from all parts of the country went to the chinese central government building to complain and report what was happening. the premier met with three practitieonrs there, and everything was resolved, ppl in the jails released. during the talks the police lead the ppl around the building, surrounding it.

b/c of the many ppl who went to complain, the chinese president jiang was pissed and afraid. a national estimate was started, and in july it was reported over 70-100 million ppl in china practiced falun gong, thats about 10-40 million more than the ppl in the communist party (60 million members).

like what happend in russia long time ago, during the night/early morning of july 20th, the volunteer contact members of the falun gong exercise sites were arrested inside of the house and sentenced up to 18 years in prison. jiang immediately changed the constitution in order to persecute cults. and since falun gong wasnt a cult, he had to make it look like a cult. down came the propaganda from all sources of media.

news of many suicides and ppl going crazy from practicing falun gong, resulting in 1400 ppl dying etc (even if it was real, 1400 out of 70 million is an awsome ratio). to further degrade falun gong, in tianamin squar in china, about 6 ppl were first reported buring themselves in the names of falun gong, chinese media said ccm capture the video, however ccm said they're equipments were confiscated before and after the incident. the washington post did some research and publised an article saying that the girl who was death during the buring was reported never practice falun gong by firends and neighbours from her hometown. then weeks later the media said it was 8 ppl who burned themself.

because of the heavy propaganda, many chinese ppl still hate falun gong and the practitioenrs, even when their being beaten and torutured in prisons. during the start of the persecution the police drove dozens and dozens of buses to the practice site and round up all practitioners and just locked them up in stadiums until they cleared the prisons and camps for them.

amnysty int said over 1500-2700 have been tortured to death.
(falun gong persecution watch sites reports ~570 with names and cause of death)
over a million have been sent into labour camps
thousands in prisons
hundreds sent into mental hospitals

just because of one man's fear, it caused citizens fighting with citizens, friends hating friends, and many many deaths

hockey lives here

Posted by Flaming_June on 02-09-2003 05:00 AM:

as for trying to stop the persecution

letters to your MP or govenor, mayor congressmen asking them to urge china to stop the persecution

tell other people about the persecution (spread the word)

ive been collecting signitures, and sending my petition to my mp to urge the leaders to help stop the persecution.

its more of a, theives wont steal in broad daylight
so if leaders of all countries focus on china and its human rights problems, it wont dear to commit more crimes.

hockey lives here

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-10-2003 07:05 AM:

that is really sad. it pisses me off or maybe i think like that bcuz i'm an american. neway, i'm writing a letter!!

Posted by niggoreanboi on 02-11-2003 06:08 AM:

Man that is sad and like others upsets me aswell i really don't get how the govt can do all these horid things to their own people it disgusts me!

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