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Posted by junjinluber33 on 05-02-2002 08:33 AM:

Unhappy god's break up!

now that i have your attention... i need all your opinions about something...

What do you feel about singers that have looks but no talent??
ex.#1 KISS- Did your feelings change for them when you saw what they looked like?

ex.#2 Fin.K.L- most of us all know that juhyun and hyori are the only ones that can sing... but do you still think they'd be as popular without the looks of yuri and leejin??

pleaseee answer those two questions... thanks for your time!!
(to the Fin.K.L fans- dunt get mad at me for what i sed... i'm a Fin.K.L fan too! )


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Posted by bigChubuff on 05-02-2002 12:24 PM:

even tho i ma man i didnt really care when i saw kiss's faces...yes they are pretty damn ugly...but they sing good live unlike most groups who lipsync 95% of their songs...singing talent is the most important for gasoos not looks...

and yes...finkl cant sing....except juhyun maybe....they are hott as fawk tho:omg:....and i hope u all kno hyolee got picked off da streets and almos same thing wit yuri..

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-02-2002 01:34 PM:

Uhm, I never really cared for KISS but I always thought that they were pretty. Uh, maybe it was just the pictures that I saw.

And I'm a FinKL fan too. I always thought that they all had good voices. But truthfully, I don't think they would have made it this big if they didn't have the looks. I mean, I think that most celebrities that are making it big these days is only because they are gorgeous...

Posted by -jzn- on 05-02-2002 01:38 PM:

I saw kiss before I heard their song... I thought they looked OK and i still think so. They aren't exactly that good live though...

FinKL... oh man I think that they should throw hyori, jin, and yuri into a brothel and have juhyun sing solo

Posted by AiSH on 05-02-2002 02:31 PM:

are you sayin tha hyolee ain't pretty?


Posted by annabanana on 05-02-2002 02:33 PM:

i think kiss is just one of those one-hit wonder groups. practically all the groups are formed just to make profit.

Posted by xenno on 05-02-2002 02:46 PM:

Kiss can sing.. but there title song is the only of its kind on the album... The rest is all teeeny-pop songs... 2 of them look really hot, better then all the considered pretty girls. but there definitly
a one hit wonder....

Posted by -jzn- on 05-02-2002 04:44 PM:

i'm saying that hyori, jin, and yuri wouldn't carry their own weight (which is very light) in a singing contest.

I think that hyori is very pretty, but she should be a model... not a singer.

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-02-2002 05:15 PM:

when i first heard kiss..YuhJaEeNiKka..i didnt knOe wut dey looked like...sOo den i dl dere album..its nOt as gOod as i thought it was...den..couple weeks ago..i saw them on tv performing..so yea..one is really pretty..da other two are okai..but nah..i juss thought they were pretty..so my mind didnt change bout dem..

and finkl..altho dey have SOME good songs..most of theirs are really bad..or wutever..but yea..i dont think da two sing very well.. and i dont think dere very pretty...so yea..if dat answered ur question..dere ya go..

Posted by junjinluber33 on 05-02-2002 06:33 PM:

thank you thank you! keep the responses coming! i need more opinions...


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-02-2002 06:35 PM:

juss curiOus..but..why dO yOo need em?

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-02-2002 06:53 PM:

Originally posted by -jzn-
oh man I think that they should throw hyori, jin, and yuri into a brothel and have juhyun sing solo

oh yea...yuri in a brothel

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by junjinluber33 on 05-02-2002 07:27 PM:

Originally posted by kRypTic_nABi
juss curiOus..but..why dO yOo need em?

im writing an article on how the media sees the singers... lookwise or talentwise... so yea... just needed some opinions/ quotes


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by Babu2002 on 05-03-2002 07:12 AM:

I think that FinKL, god and Kiss or whatever would go by fame and not money. They are less rated but more popular and "cuter" than SM's SES.

"Please call me... please kiss me..." FinKL [Now]

Posted by iSaRaNgHeYoU_kS on 05-03-2002 04:47 PM:

Read here please

Well, this is from a Fin.k.l fan's point of view. Hm.... let's keep in mind that Ju Hyun has talent, definately because she was chosen for her talents. Lee Jin was also chosen for her talents, she actually had to audition to prove her talents. Now, for Hyo Ri and Yu Ri. Hyo Ri was scouted off the streets while taking sticky pictures because she was really pretty. Later on, she did end up auditioning and Hyo Ri was talented from the beginning and she improved a whole lot. Last, Yuri was scouted on some field trip because of her looks, just plainly because of her looks. She didn't even want to become a gasoo, she was planning on becoming a doctor and her parents expected well from her. Yes, she could've toke voice lessons to improve but I still think she is very talented. Korea empahsizes greatly on outer appearance( as you can tell. ) There are a lot of yun eh in duhl who have to prove their talents and those who just get scouted off the streets. Talent may be the most important but looks are also very important.


god012~ YKS JJANG!

ÇÎŬ ¯~ À²¾ð´µ Á© ¿¹»µ!

Posted by PaVa on 05-04-2002 10:41 AM:

oh yeah~~ you got my attention alright--g.o.d. break-up *i don't think so*???!!.... I think that the girls have a lot of practicing to do to meet up with the guys in the k-pop industry... the only girl that I know can dance good is BoA... I am not very fond of the girl groups either for the fact that they rely on their looks so much and not on the music and their ??talent??--if any, kinda shows a little bit of shallowness??--if that's the right word.... note: this is my opinion..
....I think that KISS is pretty talented with their voices??---maybe I haven't heard it enough--- oh well..... I don't have a favorite girl group--- and far from FinKL too -- the closest to a girl group is Co-ed group S#harp *^^*


~Yoon Kyesanggie xoxoxoxxo~

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-04-2002 05:30 PM:

Originally posted by PaVa
oh yeah~~ you got my attention alright--g.o.d. break-up *i don't think so*???!!.... I think that the girls have a lot of practicing to do to meet up with the guys in the k-pop industry... the only girl that I know can dance good is BoA... I am not very fond of the girl groups either for the fact that they rely on their looks so much and not on the music and their ??talent??--if any, kinda shows a little bit of shallowness??--if that's the right word.... note: this is my opinion..
....I think that KISS is pretty talented with their voices??---maybe I haven't heard it enough--- oh well..... I don't have a favorite girl group--- and far from FinKL too -- the closest to a girl group is Co-ed group S#harp *^^*

i know! don't EVER joke about that! or g.o.d fanz will have to come kill you...jp jp jp...hahah

blah blah blah.... kpop entertainment is so... shallow... anyone who looks good (and even looks bad with no talent) can get famous....... corruption i tell you! no talent but looks? that's a lot of korean gasoos... notice... a lot of them lipsync... they just sing... and alter their voices... and tada... but i still HAVE to admit.. they must have atleast SOME sort of talent....

Posted by lovedontloveme on 05-04-2002 10:19 PM:

Well. I'm a girl, so I didn't really have much of a reaction when I finally saw what they looked like. Kiss have great voices anyway, and I especially like Jini.

With finkle though, I think they wouldn't be as popular as they are if they didn't have their good looks; mainly because a great amount of the finkle 'fans' are actually just people who think they're hot or good looking.

Ok Ju Hyun has a great voice though, and I think she's really pretty anyway.

Posted by nAn1004yA on 05-05-2002 11:11 AM:

i dont care bout kiss,
but yah for finkl, i guess without jin and yuri, finkl wouldnt be that popular without them...
i guess they are the ones with most of the looks..

Posted by Stargazer on 05-08-2002 02:39 PM:

anyone know where I can see a pic of KISS? I have never seen their pic before and would like to see what they look like since half say they are ugly and almost the other halr say they are OK looking. It'll be a great help. Thanks. and also, I think any popular girl/guy group wouldn't be as popular as they are unless they have one or two good looking people in it... cause sometimes people would look at them and think that they are hot and 'thinks' they are good singer when they can't even carry out a tune. (ex: Britney Spears)

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