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Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-05-2002 09:54 AM:


Should we outlaw cloning? Certain types of cloning only? or what? How about growing human parts and using them for transplant?

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-05-2002 12:45 PM:

i think stem cell research and the growing of organs for transplantation should be allowed.

But i am mostly against cloning because i don't see any real use for it. First, it would cost alot. Second, the only people who could afford it and would care about it would probably be moviestars and actors who probably are vain and self-serving.
Im not to familiar with this so if someone can provide more info on the benefits of cloniing it would be appreciated.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-05-2002 03:11 PM:


It's just not right... I think that science is going way too far nowadays... Instead of using materials, money, and time on nuisance things like that, scientists should use that for learning and experimenting on cures and medicines for diseases/infections that cannot be cured yet today, such as cancer.

Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-05-2002 05:05 PM:

Cloning a PERFECT copy is impossible at this time. So i believe that there is nothing really to worry about except killing human beings for their organs.

Cloning makes a copy of u but it has to start as a baby anyhows. It will probably grow up in a different enviroment so it will develop a different personality. I think that it should be allowed.

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-05-2002 06:49 PM:

Did you hear about that lamb that got cloned??? I forgot the name of the lamb... but anyways, the cloned lamb was only about 4-5 years old (I think) and the cloned lamb was already starting to have osteoporosis (weak-bones). The cloned lamb was 4-5. If we clone people, imagine all the things that could go wrong. I mean, cloning is never going to be perfect. Something will always go wrong.

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-05-2002 07:07 PM:

isn't stem cell stuff like..... taking brain cells from pig embryo and then putting them in your body? and those embryo cells can change into anything?

okay well first..... sure wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of cancer and all those ugly diseases... but ya know.... the world has done fine without cures to those.... and it will do fine without cures.... do you realize how many ppl die from A TYPE of cancer per year? well i don't know the exact number, but believe me it's a lot. So okay let say all those ppl who would have died in 10 years DID end up living... hello? can we talk about over population?

and uhm.... about cloning....haha since that's what this topic is about... I think it's wrong to play God. I think it's wrong to create life in THAT way. So we clone a kitten.. and it dies horribly 5 years later because of problems that were cause because of the fact that it was cloned.... lets say that happens to a human.... if you grew to the age where you could actually think... how would you feel?

okay and for some reason...i trust science .... but i dont..... what's happening to our earth? it's becoming like crap because of science... further mankind my ass...

The people who are going to die should just die.... if i was dying.. just let me die... i'm not afraid.... i don't want to be attached to a machine until i die... i don't want to suffer more or longer than i'm going to.... i mean why do ppl want to clone anyway? to save people's live right? but by saving ppl's live.. you're just killing the entire human race.... we're going to run out of room soon....

sorry... i talk really messy(?) and confusing... my teacher says my writings are convoluted(?)...... haha

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-05-2002 07:40 PM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow

okay well first..... sure wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of cancer and all those ugly diseases... but ya know.... the world has done fine without cures to those.... and it will do fine without cures.... do you realize how many ppl die from A TYPE of cancer per year? well i don't know the exact number, but believe me it's a lot. So okay let say all those ppl who would have died in 10 years DID end up living... hello? can we talk about over population?

over population? why are you so worried about that? Let the people who are already living live. Just don't create too much... It's that simple...

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-05-2002 08:13 PM:

adopt a one child policy like china :huh:

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-05-2002 08:23 PM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow
isn't stem cell stuff like..... taking brain cells from pig embryo and then putting them in your body? and those embryo cells can change into anything?

I haven't read any of this yet, so if someone has said this already i apologize. I will read it though, rest assured.

Anywya, Stem cells are cells taken from a growing human embryo before the child is developed. I was watching Larry King Live with the actor who plays willy wonka and just recovered from cancer completely. Part of his story involved the doctors pumping in some foreign embodiment that made his body produce more white blood cells. They then harvested these white blood cells...ahh haha i'm getting confused. I think they said they harvested stemcells from his own body, but now i'm thinking it's T cells. Anyway...people can ignore that last part, if someone knows something about it. Feel free to correct me.

Posted by LuvSunghoonie on 05-06-2002 05:12 AM:


I think cloning humans is not right.. but if it was cloing a body part to save a human why not...

It morally wrong to clone, and i know alot people go with morality
but the advatange of cloning body parts, is the possibility of saving many lives..

However if we were to clone humans.. i would object to that.. cuz we dont need to clone more people.. maybe animals cuz then we could use it to experiment.. and find cures maybe

[~~**Cha Cha Here!**~~]
!!One and only Sunghoonie LuV!!

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-06-2002 07:52 AM:

actually, i think about overpopulation a lot as well susan. The thing is though, if we don't find cures to these diseases we are leaving ourselves open to the plethora of new diseases that will be around by the time overpopulation commences. That will be added on top of cancer and such and the we'll die at a more rapid rate. I don't know how morality would play out when overpopulation is here...hmmm.

Also, the problem with not "creating too much" is that humans naturally reproduce and we can't just control it that way because we will end up creating too much through natural means...cloning on top of that would be more people than were necessary.

Personally, i see no reason to clone a human besides the fact of "heh ho, we did it." Although if this would be help find cures to diseases then ok...but not as test subjects haha.

I'm thinking when overpopulation occurs, nature will begin to try and kill off humans rapidly. Yeah that didn't sound too smart hehe. Anyway, it goes to simple biology concept of "natures limiting factors." Of how nature will manifest a factor to limit something that grows in too much abundance. Usually it is disease, and it has been trying for a long time but technology has superceded that thus far. But in the future, i'm thinking it will be crazily more diseases that exist and with the people so close together they will spread more easily and die. Yeah, it's partial Gaia theory, but oh well .

Posted by huby40 on 05-06-2002 12:38 PM:

cloning for the good diseases=good

cloning whole humans=bad

cloning plants/animals=maybe

Cloning plants and animals for our food source is not a great way to get food.

Let's have a nice juicy food source thatl looks absolutley perfect. But say there is a small little defect in the clone. We see it as perfect, and the only flaw is it's weakness to some rare disease that's only found in Antartica (i'm just making this up, but pretend it's out of the way place.)

Well if we keep on replicating that over and over again, we'll have a major portion of that food that is susceptible to the disease. suppose somehow the disease showed up again in other countries where the food is. NOW you're screwed, cuz none of that food is immune to that disease so it is all gone.

We should keep mixing plants/animals because the more diversity among them we have, the better chances they will survive, the more we can eat.

Posted by Alchemist on 05-06-2002 05:08 PM:

i think the lamb's name was Dolly.

I don't think cloning is good. how do you think the clone would feel? like in metal gear. You'd feel like someone just played you. except with your life instead of a relationship.

Posted by sangxjin on 05-08-2002 07:39 AM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn
Did you hear about that lamb that got cloned??? I forgot the name of the lamb... but anyways, the cloned lamb was only about 4-5 years old (I think) and the cloned lamb was already starting to have osteoporosis (weak-bones). The cloned lamb was 4-5. If we clone people, imagine all the things that could go wrong. I mean, cloning is never going to be perfect. Something will always go wrong.

i think its name was Dolly.


Props To Huby

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-08-2002 01:11 PM:

this may sound stupid, but now i'm wondering if a lamb is actually a certain type of sheep? cause they always described it as Dolly the cloned sheep, not lamb.

Posted by sangxjin on 05-08-2002 04:52 PM:

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
this may sound stupid, but now i'm wondering if a lamb is actually a certain type of sheep? cause they always described it as Dolly the cloned sheep, not lamb.

hahahaha....im so stupid..sorry


Props To Huby

Posted by Dreamcatcher on 06-02-2002 12:59 PM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn

It's just not right... I think that science is going way too far nowadays... Instead of using materials, money, and time on nuisance things like that, scientists should use that for learning and experimenting on cures and medicines for diseases/infections that cannot be cured yet today, such as cancer.

Yeah, i agree totally. Even the cloning of plants was wrong, how can they even think of going on to cloning humans? I've heard that they've now created the first eight cloned humans, and that they're going to be born sometime this year. They won't say where the experiment is being done, though.

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