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Posted by heyitzsaemyi on 01-14-2003 08:22 PM:

need advice

i'm in 7th grade now..
i feel like my friend from 6th grade and i are going into different direction..
since we came to Jr. High, we dunt really talk much, hang much or do anything much.. we sorta argue a lot than last year..
i think part of it is my falut cause i made many other friend and sometimes talk to my new friends that her. she sorta doesn't have new friends. anywayz, if u can, give me some advices and help me out?

Posted by heyitzsaemyi on 01-14-2003 08:24 PM:


Posted by Ladi Jay on 01-14-2003 08:32 PM:

Originally posted by heyitzsaemyi

why? don't feel pathetic about asking for help on issues... I'm willing to help...

well, first off, I know what you mean when you say that it seems like you two are going in different directions...

In 7th grade, I was best friends with a girl and we did everything together... we were inseperable, buh then during our 8th grade year we started drifting apart because she started dating boys and got into serious relationships with them... she would leave me behind and just do whatever.... she was sort of a bad girl anyways... I went my own way and she went her own...

buh if you want to keep the friendship positive with your friend... mebbe you should talk to her...

and arguing is a normal thing in all friendships... as friends grow closer together, they notice traits about the other friend that annoy them... but it's just like a family... do you understand what I mean? I dunno if I explained that well...

one last thing, don't ditch friends for new friends...

buh, there is one key to all of this... if you two are totally different people, then you two aren't just going to fit as friends... as I explained up above about me and my best friend... we're not friends anymore and we only talk once in a while now, because she has traveled her own path which I don't think I should say, and I've traveled my own...

I hope what I'm saying to you is clear.... if it's not, feel free to PM me!

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 01-14-2003 09:41 PM:

people grow apart, it really does happen. I don't talk to people i used to talk to all the time in middle school, but that doesn't mean we aren't on good terms, cause we are...just on different terms.

If you are neglecting her and not including her then i wouldn't say that's growing apart though, that'd be leaving her behind. Try and include her, seriously, why not? That's my advice, don't wait for her to find new friends...i don't see why your new friends aren't hers as well. They can be, you don't need to go between groups of friends...i don't like that.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 01-15-2003 01:15 AM:

Originally posted by heyitzsaemyi

that's what the "edit" button is for
anyway, i know how you feel. all thru elementary skool and junior high i wuz best frenz with this girl, but then once we got to high skool, we just drifted. it was so weird. we juss went our separate ways. it was kinda mutual tho - it's not that we didn't want to be frenz nemore, our personalities were just too different and so we both juss stopped talkin to each other less and less. i dun feel sad, cuz she's realli changed. i know i have too, but she like...cuts class and duz bad stuff i dun wanna be involved with.
so, if you still want to preserve your friendship, try talking things out. realli, don't be shy or afraid to juss straight up ask "so why don't we talk anymore?" she's prolli feelin the same. and if ur neglecting her cuz of ur new frend, then maybe u guys are juss realli different now and so ur makin new frenz that match with you more. if it helps, mai current best friend has been mai best frend for three years and at one point in our lives (before we became best frenz) we cudn't stand each other...literally we kinda hated each other. but then things got better and it's realli, realli different and we get along juss swell. so good luck

Posted by heyitzsaemyi on 01-18-2003 12:00 AM:

well, we are talking and have 4 classes together but i feel like our friendship is not as close..
my new friends are *sort of* friends w/ her but they are not as close as i am w/ her..
newayz, she doesn't have a personality that anybody would get along with..
sometimes she bothers me even though she's not talking to me or anything..
people think she's WEIRD somethimes..
i dunt exactly leave her out..
she sorta disincludes herself..
newayz, i'll IM u guys if i need more Advice!

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