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Posted by Bboy Wushu Punk on 04-02-2002 12:47 PM:

Thumbs up Training Day

Anybody like that movie ? ... and what about Denzel Washington's performance ?!

Tekken is life, Li Lian Jie is family.

Posted by dope nose on 04-08-2002 12:12 PM:

umm...it was okay....NOT oscar material
i don think denzel deserved a oscar for his performance...
he deserved to win in sooo many other movies and he finally got what he deserved...im so happy he beat that prick russell crowe..but that movie was so-so.....**1/2 stars out of ****

sexy an*drog*y*nous requiem magnolian dancing hedwig tomato de sade

Posted by Kap on 04-10-2002 02:20 PM:

what the?? that movie was so awsome. i give it 9/10

Posted by Yupkki MEL on 04-10-2002 06:11 PM:

that was a great movie. denzel washington is a great actor!

Posted by shoujo on 04-12-2002 08:39 PM:

i like the movie, it's good..
but denzel's acting is not that good in the film


Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-14-2002 01:20 AM:

hey wsup i just rented this movie because of the oscar hype.. i had the preconception that this movie was held up by the strong acting only.. because i didnt know much of the story.. now im glad i watched it

i loved this movie.. it was so intense.. yeah when people think of this movie, they think how much denzel washington did such a good job on being a bad guy.. "KING KONG AINT GOT SHIT ON ME!!".. i never really much liked denzel washington characters.. maybe because of the reoccuring characters denzel seems to play and be good at.. or maybe denzel acts the same in every movie.. i dunno .. this is my fav denzel movie tho.. only because you cant believe he's so evil.. and thats the best quality in his character..

but what reallllly blew me over.. was ethan hawke's performance.. totallly.. ethan hawke definitely carried the intensity of every scene.. i loved his character.. he wasnt the supercop.. he was the rookie.. i believed he did an awesome job in this movie.. i think he shoulda won the oscar with denzel.. my favorite scene was the poker scene.. that was the most intense scene.. and also when he was high.. oh man.. i duno about you guys.. but i definitely believed he was high.. reminded me of those days..hahhahhahhahha..

The story was one of the fresher, newer, edgier stories i've seen in a while.. maybe because it had some diversity in this movie without being directly racist.. and story blended so well.. i love those movies that sets on a spand of a day.. the ending was confusing tho.. who were those guys?? i have no clue.. somebody tell me please...

good job antoine fuqua, ethan hawke , and denzel washington..



Posted by zerobde on 04-18-2002 05:44 AM:

the one thing that drew me to this movie was the fact that denzel would play a bad guy after so many good guy movies. i wanted to see if he could pull it off and i think he did. although i didn't think it was oscar worthy... but hey, i'm happy for the man. he's done some really good movies in the past that he's been passed over for... so it's all good. both actors did a good job. this movie is worth checking out.

Posted by >=D on 04-19-2002 02:40 PM:

i liked it and i liked how denzel played the bad guy that was my main reason for seeing it. i give it ****1/2 stars out of 5

Those who's goals are absurd are the ones who do the impossible.

Posted by xenno on 04-25-2002 03:24 PM:

Yeah the movie was good. But Denzel didnt deserve a oscar...
It shoulda went to russel....despite.

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