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Posted by MellowYellow on 04-28-2002 01:34 PM:

Click-B 3.5: To You

Click-B 3.5
1. To You (a letter)- This is the title track of click-b's very mature sounding album. It was the song that made me buy the album! so i really like it :thumbs-up: ! It is a ballad/rock song.
2. To be Continued(yun suk's theme) - SSang Hyuk has a bass solo in this and a prominent bass part also.. Turn up the bass on your cd players and listen for it! It is also another ballad/rock. song ( i'm not sure of what to call rock band's slow songs.. uhm"rock band's slow songs" ? haha)PS. This really matches yun suk
3. Hope(jong hyuk's theme)- Yet another one of their "rock band slow songs" :p . Towards the end of song there is a combo of rap talking over singing which is very nice (i have trouble distinguishing their voices but i'm pretty sure yun suk is rapping and taeyoung or jjong hyuk(?) is singing)PS This song does seem to mesh well with jjong hyuk right?
4.The Winter That Comes To Me Again"(ho suk's theme)- This song is a little more upbeat than the previous songs. It has a pleasant background melody...Close your eyes and imagine a long road with snow and leafless trees.. PS. This song SOOO seems like a ho suk song!
5.Before it's Over (Ssang hyuk's theme)-This song goes back to the slow mellowness(!) of the other songs. Although is not one of my very favorite songs i'm trying to like it cuz it's Ssang hyuk's theme. (haha thought i'd add that.er) PS I DONT think this song goes well with ssang hyuk... the next song would be better as his theme....i wonder how this was worked out....
6.Give Your Love (Hyun Gon's theme)- this song has a very happy beat to it (thanx to hyun gon's great drumming skillz~) I wonder who is plays the piano part?? PS i cant tell if it matches hyun gon cuz i haven' seen him on tv. BUt it does match his looks... young and cute!
7.DahGahWah (tae young's theme) Very nice rapping by yunsuk (i'm so sorry.. there are just too many guys in that group. I can only tell jjong hyuk and ho suk's voice apart...)
8.Break It (Min Hyuk's theme) it starts out and throught has a really funk rock like feeling. Very good guitar playing by min hyuk. PS definetely mixes with min hyuk.
9.Baraem-This is another upbeat song. Bass sound seems a little more prominent than the guitar~ It has a very cute "come on my baby now..... why don't you kiss me now" part whereafter there is rapping. VERY nice.
10.Love Hacker- This is my favorite song. It is very rock like feel to it. The drums are very active in this song. The melody is very catchy, that's my favorite part. I THINK ssang hyuk raps................. (see all the dots... that means i'm really not sure..)
11.Hidden Card- This song is EXTREMELY cute! It is a very playful song where the singers' voices sound cute also. Fun to dance around in your underwear with (j/p!! :gap: ) In the middle of the song there is a little swerve from the melody with a little musical "interlude" (eh? where did THAT word come from?...too much band. band geek~~) and a rapping part but comes right back to the playful melody. Active guitar at the end... that min hyuk is talented....

i rate this cd: 4.5/5

i really liked this cd because click-b had a little more mature look to them. The songs were also really really good~ note: yup the reason i bought this cd was..... i listneded to the first track.... it only took me one track to win me over this time....

click-b is taking a break right now? its well desereved. i'll miss them until their comeback!

Posted by MaShiMarO on 05-14-2002 08:20 PM:

i reallie liked their 3.5 album
Nuh eh geh and dagawa are my 2 favs~^^


Posted by cLickB4eVeRZ on 05-28-2002 10:30 PM:

they matured alot ( comparing with there other cd's) and people think its all rock but there only 1 hardcore rock song...but the other songs are real good the song HOPE had nice rap and vocal in the backround of the rap while it was a ballad song


Posted by kangtalOve on 06-04-2002 04:33 PM:

well i love the 3rd album!!!!
there's one song jong hyuk wrote it for a dead fan////oww....that's sooo touching!!


Posted by xxaznflavahxx on 08-16-2002 06:10 PM:

Originally posted by kangtalOve

well i love the 3rd album!!!!
there's one song jong hyuk wrote it for a dead fan////oww....that's sooo touching!!

i dunno it was touching but i thought it was really really sad how he cried at their concert and how everyone thought he was missing when really he ran away to get some time by himself



Posted by Jj2 on 10-15-2002 10:12 AM:

hmm...maybe i should d/l their album...

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 11-10-2002 07:14 AM:

that CD is soooooo goood. waah, didn't noe that bout jjongie :sad: thaz so sad! aww he's so sensitive

Posted by saranghae on 11-10-2002 10:09 PM:

i love that song... to be continued.. its such a nice song

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