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Posted by annabanana on 05-03-2002 03:15 AM:

embarrasing food moments

have you guys ever had any embarrassing food moments? i've had a few.

one time in band camp...... no, it was during lunch at school, and i was eating some ice. i don't know how, but i somehow started to choke on the ice! i had to wait for it to melt, and i was so red afterwards. all the ppl at my lunch table started to laugh.....

Posted by volcom strider on 05-03-2002 03:29 AM:

coke bottle spraying all over me when i didnt bother noticing that i carried it wrecklessly to the lunch table.

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-04-2002 10:17 AM:

When I was drinking my soda and someone made me laugh... I spit the soda all over our table and it also came outta my nose. It was so embarrassing and the soda burned the inside of my nose. Ouch! It hurt.... Haha... but I laughed at myself also!

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