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Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-09-2002 10:23 AM:

Masculine and Feminine

Specifications attached to sexual connotations which somehow impede upon people's judgement to distinguish between the actual sex of the person. Bootless, and degrading at times depending on interpretations. These terms also concur certain attributes with them regardless of the situation that may not apply or are meant to be.

I don't like the terms, that is when determining sexual stances. But these terms generalize much more than they can seem to. Not that the words are evil, but they add an intrinsic "requirement" of the sex to comply with in the normative sense. But then again, in the normative sense, a larger problem is the concurring link we have between sex and gender. They are not the the same, and words like masculine and feminine blur the segmentation, creating gray areas that make the two seem almost one in the same.

Do these words create unseen barriers in places that will prevent people from entering even through the years? In other words for instance, by the mere presence of a pre-existing male dominated workplace does there exist a patriarchal nature that unconciously puts within our thoughts that masculine-esque people are more likely to succeed? Notice i didn't use the word male, masculine... cause girls are masculine too.

But then people question what masculinity is if it cannot be defined by males? Don't look in your dictionary. That is an ancient accepted definition by the norm of society, and it will probably say something like "that which connotates a male-esque characterstic; ...then like haha....manly" haha. Anyway, masculinity can be simply described as the opposite as femininity. Foucaults desribes the contruction of mental illness in this way (cause i just read it hah), and it is in fact very much the same within the social/sex-structure of society. These terms were not pre-defined like male and female, they were constructed by society. We then look to the extreme of the spectrum in order to obtain a suitable definition for masculinity, femininity is characterized as overly pampered (it is, don't knock it just cause i said it; responsible for this is chivalry), frailty, basically an on-face appearance made to impress i suppose...i'll think about it more . Anyway, i forgot what i was saying....hmmm ok...so masculinity and femininity are terms derived from the extremists of the sexes themselves. They aren't the sex but a descriptor that only deludes what meaning an actual sex has.

In the same way they are used as terms to almost complement or insult the other sex into not fitting into the term it was derived from...Do we masculinate (made up word) feminine roles to define us? no, certainly not...they are either feminine or masuline. But becasue these are extremes of descriptors, there are many "in-betweens" that exist.

The terms don't serve their purpose at all, sorry for ranting, it'd be better if they'd go away.

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