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Posted by tm11 on 04-18-2002 04:56 AM:

yeah you guys are right on.
Love the sinner, hate the sin

oh, and the Bible does condemn homosexuality, I actually found the specific passages, and they are in a book at my house, i can post them later. This is just a general statement, but Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality.

I don't have a problem with homosexual people, I don't really know any that well, but I don't hate them, I may disagree with what they do, but i don't think that takes away from them as a person, and that doesn't really justify intolerance either.

word is bond

Posted by tm11 on 04-18-2002 01:48 PM:

The places in the bible where it says "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered" are:

- Gen 19: 1-29
- Rom 1:24-27
- Cor 6:10
- Tim 1:10

I didn't search through a bible for them or online, i found them in a book of my dad's.

word is bond

Posted by JuJu on 05-10-2002 07:37 PM:

for mi religion in the bible it says that gay is wrong... buh then i dun really have a prob with it... their still ppl. The only thing that does bother me a lil is when they show public affection... i dun like that... buh other then that its all good...

oh btw saint john is gay...! he is the cooLest guy!!! (for those of ya tha dun noe wut im talkin bout hes a radio dj in da bay area... or is he known all over...hmmm...ne ways)

Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-11-2002 06:02 PM:

funni thing is both straight GUYS and GIRLs prefer lesbians to gays.

strange, they're so unpopular.

of course i thought Ally McBeal summed it up nicely.

from a scientific point of view a lesbian action would make a man ready to mate for very long period. while seeing gay would leave him limp as a noodle for months.

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-11-2002 08:44 PM:

i think dat if da twO males are happy together..das gOot..but i still wouldnt wanna see it~ nOt to be rude or anything..its juss very disgusting for me..

as long as dey dont make out infront of me...i'm all gOot wit dat..

girls i feel da same~ i dont think i should be da one to judge thO ^^

Posted by dalgyal on 05-14-2002 10:45 AM:

iss up to them.. the two males.. or females i mean..
if dere gay.. iss not lyke dey can suddenly decide 'not to be gay' if they dont wanna.. ya kno?
i kno iss weird.. buh iss the way God made them.. eben tho the Bible may oppose homosexuality.. God made them like that so dey cant fake not bein` attracted to dere own gender.. so ppl should juss accept the way they are. iss not dere fault.. im sure dey dont WANT to be gay or les.. -_-;;

so i guess im aiite wid gayz.. as long as dey dont make out or ne thin` in front ob me or in public.. :omg:


Posted by Angel3y3s on 05-21-2002 05:23 AM:

I have a friend who is lesbian and she goes out with my other friend. they'd been together for almost two years now, and they are certainly contented...and im happy for them.
and some says that lesbians prove to be sweeter than males, hehe...no offense guys.


Posted by xkrzyqtx on 05-26-2002 08:15 PM:

it's their life
let them do whatever they want
who are we to judge them because of their sexual preference?
it's not up to us.
some of YOU might think it's nasty...
but hell, they might think something you do is just as nasty.

this is a touchy topic to get into...


have you had YOUR dose of type v?

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 05-26-2002 08:27 PM:

back to what Tommy mentioned there is a line in the bible that condemns sexuality. I don't know what version you guys have but mine specifically states

"do not engage in homosexuality" or something to that extent

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by lovedontloveme on 05-28-2002 08:53 AM:

Originally posted by cHiNkLilgiRL
for mi religion in the bible it says that gay is wrong... buh then i dun really have a prob with it... their still ppl. The only thing that does bother me a lil is when they show public affection... i dun like that... buh other then that its all good...

i really don't get what difference it makes when a heterosexual couple show public affection and when a homosexual couple show affection. *sigh* it's all the same! i'd understand if you said 'i don't like when people show public affection' though. what is it about their affection that bothers you? oh well la di da.. just curious.

Posted by JuJu on 05-29-2002 01:00 AM:

Originally posted by lovedontloveme

i really don't get what difference it makes when a heterosexual couple show public affection and when a homosexual couple show affection. *sigh* it's all the same! i'd understand if you said 'i don't like when people show public affection' though. what is it about their affection that bothers you? oh well la di da.. just curious.

i guess its because im not used to seein that... buh seriously i dont even like it when PEOPLE show public affection. i have nothing against gay ppl.

Posted by lovedontloveme on 05-31-2002 08:51 AM:

oh okay [: s'all cool then.

Posted by brian on 06-02-2002 04:26 AM:

I don't have anything against gay people. I don't care. They don't bother us, why do we have to bother them? I don't see how it's a sin either. Oh sure, it's in the Bible, but with all faith aside, that word is translated from "prophets..." Have you ever played the game "Telephone?"

My family is all opposed to homosexuality except for me. I am not a homosexual myself, but I really don't care - if one person loves another, then that's alright, you know?

So I guess what I'm trying to say is:

I don't care.

Posted by Dreamcatcher on 06-02-2002 01:11 PM:

I don't see why all of these religions condemn homosexuality. Do you guys seriously think that these people want or like to be gay or lesbian? I don't think so. I'm not a very strong Christian, so perhaps I shouldn't be saying this, but didn't God create all people, and shouldn't we all be accepted as we are and who we are, knowing that we are all God's children? I don't know any gay people directly, but I've heard enough stories about them. As far as it seems to me, they aren't happy with their sexual directionality any more than we are with them about it. I know very few people that, as little kids, say that they want to grow up to be gay. But it happens. Definitely don't take it out on them. If you don't approve of them, no one says you have to be their friend for them to hit on you or what not, but for God's sake know that it's not their fault.

Also, isn't having a gay friend that you are afraid will try to hit on you the same as having a straight member of the opposite sex hitting on you?

Posted by Dreamcatcher on 06-02-2002 01:13 PM:

Oh yeah, me again. But I just thought of one more thing. How come we think we can be discriminatory towards gay or lesbian people, saying that straight couples have a right to show public affection and gay couples shouldn't?

Posted by Alchemist on 06-03-2002 02:47 AM:

"whats up with all these gay/lesbian pride parades? I wanna join a straight white male parade" - Some guy who's running for president of our school

Posted by *supagirL* on 06-03-2002 03:47 AM:

i don't mind gay and lesbians. buh wen they become transvestites.. that's juss wrong- haha

Posted by seung ju on 06-03-2002 06:49 AM:

Originally posted by Dreamcatcher
Also, isn't having a gay friend that you are afraid will try to hit on you the same as having a straight member of the opposite sex hitting on you?

actually it isnt, because if you have a friend who is gay, and knows you're not, why would they hit on you? that can cause unwanted tension and uneasiness in the friendship.

Posted by Dreamcatcher on 06-04-2002 09:26 AM:

But isn't it just as uncomfortable to have a straight friend of the opposite sex hitting on you when you aren't interested? mm... maybe not. Anyway, to me it still seems somehow unfair. And like you said, why would they hit on you in the first place? I think I'm probably going in circles and I should shut up now.

"Do not look backward in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."
- James Thurber

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
- Chinese Proverb

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