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Posted by castle outsider on 01-06-2003 04:50 AM:

got hit by a car..cant rememeber anything about it..slept for three days

Posted by KpSwEeTiE143 on 01-06-2003 03:58 PM:

1.when i was born i dunno i had a fever n was majorly dehydrated hehe i was in da hospital for 3 daiz
2.lets see i almost drowned when i was younger
3.almost got hit by a car
4.i fell down stairs hit my head n passed out to wake up five min later n just walked back up the stairs n took a shower hehe
5.um..my retarded oldest sister got in the wrong freakin lane! we almost got hit grr shes so dumb
6.my mom was changing lanes n there was a truck right beside us a few more inches n yeah, she said she didnt see it
i think thats it


Posted by TyGer STyLe on 01-09-2003 10:57 PM:

almost drown in the pool at my old house...

my life flashed before my eyes as my friend took a ramp/turn at 90 mph

my life flashed before my eyes once again as he decided to try drifting on wet pavement and we nearly hit a car because his steering locked...

i was nearly hit by a car...

Hmmm.... maybe thats y im scared by cars sometimes....

Enter My Head!

Posted by junjinluber33 on 01-24-2003 10:31 PM:

Originally posted by TyGer STyLe
Hmmm.... maybe thats y im scared by cars sometimes....

when we were in paul's car w/ cris n she was driving~ then she made that crazy turn when a car was right behind us... that's another reason~

for me...
1-- car accident in like... '94~ i was in the passenger seat while my mom made a left. a car hit my side crushing my seat in half. i hit my head on the glass n started bleedin... the seat belt n door were jammed so the firemen got me out~ the guys sed i was lucky... if the seat was crushed more, i couldnt been paralyzed waist down.

2--another car accident... last year~ my cousin makes a left n we get hit in the passenger side (once again where i'm sitting). the airbag hit my face so fast that i didnt even feel it~ my nose was bleeding n my face was all scratched and swollen for a week. didnt really go to school since i had bruises all over my body that hurt like a MoThEr~ the doctor sed i was lucky... i could suffered head trauma n died.


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by marvinOPPA on 01-30-2003 08:40 PM:

i been shot at, piped in the head repeatedly, had my head bashed into a door hinge repeatedly, and sum other wack shit...but im still alive...mu-fockerz cant kill me IM INVINCIBLE!!!!! my day of revenge will come....

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 01-30-2003 09:36 PM:

my stupid friends were smoking this blunt with me and didnt tell me that they had laced it with k(spec k) and i passed out from taking too many hit for 18 hours. i got shot at by this crazy heroin addict or something. i got mugged by a guy with a gun on the subway. this guy pulled a gun on my dad when we were driving and my dad kicked the shit out for him. the guy didnt use his gun, but it was still scary. then my dad threw the gun in the sewer. actually it was mad cool damn my dad is so cool.... dats it.

also the phillipines sound mad dangerous.. why the hell u wanna go back there?????

o0oo0o0 also i was with my friend in his car and he dropped me off, but then i found out an hour later he got hit in the back by a truck and lost the back of his car. he broke both his legs and 7 of his fingers, but i was sitting in part of the car that got broken off. i woulda died!!

Posted by Klumzy on 01-31-2003 06:39 AM:

wow wow interesting stories

"The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today."

Posted by JuJu on 01-31-2003 06:58 AM:

this isnt really a near death experience...buh... this summer when i went to china mi shoes got caught in da escalator right where u were suppose to get off... n mi shoe was stuck n i was hella scared... n it ruined mi shoes...

n then jus da other day... i was crossing da street w/ mi friend... n mi friend was GO! n when we both started walking a car ran a red light...


Posted by *~JoEy~* on 01-31-2003 09:07 PM:

Originally posted by calintz
ive had a few death moments in life....1 i got stabbed in the back!(hurts)
4. a gang fight

Maaan, getting stabbed is a bitch, and all gang fights suck cuz it's always one of your homeboys fighting over some little shit, but you still back em up cuz he you fam. i mean, not to complain, but thats the most times for me for near death experiences, every fucking fight someone brings a knife or a bat, gun. Whatever use them fists

car accident back in sac-town. . . 98'
car race accident. . . 2 years ago
haters trying to run me over last year

trying to do an airtrack. . . well i guess that's not really near death but hurt alot

One Love, Peace, GOD Bless!

Scream!!! FOB Style

Posted by calintz on 02-04-2003 01:22 AM:

i was acting stupid (like always) and a truck almost hit me...if it werent for my hommie ray ray and d'ho! i couldve died! *sniff*

death by spoons!!

Posted by KingWej on 02-04-2003 01:48 AM:

ooh death!! Haha well yeah, I am working on my private pilot license right... And few months ago I FINALLY got to solo the plane... OOH yeah thought I killed my self...
SO yeah, I was ordered to go practice some landings for the first solo flight right.. I was doing great first time, but the second land some stupid ass turbulance hit my plane and the whole plane kinda rolled, but it was like real close to the ground and ALMOST flipped... that scared the crap out of me... Luckly third time I was ok with landing haha.... phew~

Hard work pays off later, laziness pays off NOW

Posted by Yii on 02-17-2003 11:43 PM:

I almost got hit by a truck on the highway. I drove to work in the morning and it was raining hardly. Then I had to brake the hardest I was able and slided along the highway until I slided to the right side where a truck was coming. He had enough space on his rightside to pass me

~~* Yi *~~

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